Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 1

December 9th.

When I got off the flight in Kuala Lumpur, I felt so sleepy. First of all, I was sleepy because I had to wake up at 12:05 in the morning to get off of our last flight,and second of all the jet lag. But after I saw my Poh Poh and Kong Kong the jet lag kind of went away.

We even had to use 2 cars because of all of our luggage. The 2 cars were driven by my Kudea (Kudea means uncle) and my Aunty Belinda. ( She is my 'Aunty' because she is much older than me and she is my mother's good friend )

When I got to my Poh Poh and Kong Kong's house it looked like a mansion to me because I live inside a small apartment. In seconds, I almost fainted right where I was because, I had just noticed how HOT it was!!!!!!!!!!!! I skipped dinner and went right to sleep at around 3pm Malaysian time [ 1am central time]. :)

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